we need leaders we can feel

work with me

It’s time to engage in the radical act of bringing your heart to work - 

where people feel you and are magnetized towards your leadership, you feel the relief of being completely yourself - resulting in powerful leadership and earning at your fullest potential.

But you’re currently stuck in your head, controlling everything, worrying about what everyone else thinks, trying to uphold an image that inadvertently hides your talents and makes everything 10x harder. 

While you fantasize that the next promotion or accomplishment is going to make everything better, you’re burning out. 

You can only rely on your smarts and willpower for so long before you start questioning the patriarchal status quo and redefining what it really means to be successful.

And when you do? Freedom. Presence. Power.
Your fullest potential, realized. 

It’s time to live and lead with an open heart

Hi, I’m Jackie. Former corporate finance control freak and first generation American, who was once completely numb from the neck down. I lived my life in black and white, forcing my way to achieve the next accomplishment, silently suffering from a painful chronic disease.

When I stopped running from my emotions, was when I finally became free. 
Today, I use my Emotional Leadership Technique ™ to work with your nervous system and neurological pathways, uncovering your core self identity, examining your coping mechanisms, interrupting your patterns and resourcing you to change behavior. 

It’s my mission is to end the epidemic of chasing success at all costs, and create a world where women are awake to their full range of feelings, hold reverent their role in the world and reclaim emotional mastery to live + lead with an open heart.

meet jackie


work with me

high-level 1:1 support for leaders ready to lead with heart





open hearted


transformational group experience to heal & open your heart

everything you’ve ever wanted finds you when you feel

open hearted       

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client RESULTS

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"working with Jackie has given me confidence for the 1st time in my life "

Natasha Gross 
Twitter (formerly)

I’m now volunteering and raising my hand and taking the lead in my life. As a result, my voice is being heard more clearly. 


"I went from burnt out to self nominating myself for a promotion"

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I feel like I am in touch and aligned with my soul, spirit and self. 

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"I went from creating roadblocks to moving with ease & flow "

Cari Sekendur
Founder, Butter Studios

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This work is an essential piece of any strategy that a creative puts into place, because if your mindset isn’t in place, you still won’t get there. 

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it's time to stop focusing solely on your smarts. you can channel your emotions into power & potential.

Whether you want to improve collaboration and creativity on your team, pursue a promotion, or fall in love with your job again, you’ll do so with self-assurance and the ability to show up fully. 

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open your heart.